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Scientific name - Acer Palmatum

Description: A member of the Aceraceae family, native to Japan.

A deciduous, five-lobed tree (palmatum) is perhaps the best-known and most prized deciduous tree in Bonsai.

There are many varieties used for Bonsai, with the most different colors and leaf sizes. The best known and appreciated is the "Deshojo", for its red tone at bud, which becomes greenish in summer, returning to red tones in leaf fall.

There are many others, also with very beautiful tones, and even the appreciated "Yatsubusa" varieties such as Palmatum Kashima or Kihoime, which, due to their lack of apical dominance, are normally produced in Hokidashi (round crown), but given the reduced size of the its leaf and short internodes make very compact and beautiful plants. 

Location: Outdoors, where it gets 2 to 3 hours of direct sun a day (ideally in the morning or late afternoon), protected from strong winds and frost. It very resistant, but it is usual for the leaves to fall in mid-summer sunburned, so we must protect them from the very strong midday sun, practically the entire summer season.

Watering: Water the soil abundantly until enough water comes out through the drainage holes, in order to uniformly moisten the soil, always from above never by immersion, using a fine-grained watering can (there are specific ones for Bonsai).

Allow the surface layer of soil to dry slightly between each watering (to confirm whether the plant already needs water, touch the earth with your fingers), but be careful as water consumption increases a lot when there are a lot of new leaves in spring.

If you have a dish under the Bonsai, never leave any water in it (to prevent the roots from rotting).

There is no advantage in spraying the leaves, only do it on days when you fertilize and if the fertilizer is for foliar application, but make sure that they arrive dry at night to avoid fungus.

Nutrition: From February to September/October, with "Fertile Bonsai"  and "Bio Bonsai". Appreciates the combined use of complete fertilizers, alternating between "fertile bonsai" (early spring and post summer) and "Biogold"  in the height of summer and in Autumn .

Pruning: The leaf tends to grow and the internodes to become long in some species. Usually we have to control the growth at the beginning of the budding with "Metsumi".

If healthy, we can defoliate to optimize autumnal coloring, reduce leaf size and compact.

Transplant: With "Hardwood Bonsai Earth" It is "Rhiza Bonsai" in February/March, before budding begins.

Wiring: Usually in late winter before budding, or in summer with full defoliation.

Acer palmatum deshojo 7 anos

SKU: P1992
  • Approximate Measurements:

    vase length - 15 cm

    Height (including vase) - 36 cm

    Location: Exterior

  • Bonsai bowl 14x10x6 cm  |  Total height 24 cm

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