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Avocado pollinating variety


Pear-shaped, oval-shaped fruit, green even when ripe. The skin is green, thin, shiny and sensitive to damage caused by the wind. Medium to big (170-510 grams). Large seed with 61% available pulp. The Bacon variety avocado is one of the autumn-winter varieties. It is collected between the months of October and November. It has a very pleasant texture with a slightly creamy touch reminiscent of butter, which also makes it very suitable for making guacamole. In addition, it has less fat than other varieties. Its flowering is type B.

They have good quality creamy yellowish-green flesh around a medium to large seed. The skin, is speckled with light whitish dots. Later, when they are at the point of consumption, it gets a little darker.

The most recommended soils are light textured, deep, well drained and with a neutral or slightly acidic pH (5.5 to 7), but it can be grown in clayey or clayey loam soils as long as there is good drainage, as excess moisture provides a suitable environment for the development of root diseases, physiological as root asphyxia and fungal as Phytophthora. It is a good pollinator for Hass. 

Large, upright trees used as windbreaks up to 30 meters high in its native environment, originating from a wide geographic area, which extends from Mexico and Guatemala to the Pacific coast of Central America.

As sheets of this tree are alternate, petiolate and leathery, varying in length between 10 and 40 cm, dark green and with little shine on the beam, lighter green and opaque on the underside; It is an evergreen tree, although some varieties lose most of its foliage during the flowering season.

It has small flowers yellowish-green, 3-7 mm long, grouped in panicles that usually appear in a terminal or subterminal position of the last vegetative growth. These flowers have a protogynous dichogamy, as the female and male parts of the same flower mature at different times different (the opening as female is prior to that of the male part).

The fruit It is a berry with a single seed, very variable in size, shape and characteristics of its skin, pulp and seed. Depending on the variety, these have variable shapes ​​ ranging from round to heavily pumped, with a long neck. 


It is a tree with wide climatic adaptation as long as it is free from frost. Temperatures above 36ºC cause damage, being more accentuated if they are accompanied by low relative humidity in the environment. The soils preferred by the avocado tree are loam to sandy loam with good internal drainage; This species is very sensitive to waterlogging, which causes root asphyxia and subsequent development of the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi Rand , which causes the death of its roots. It does not tolerate periods of drought so it is necessary to support irrigation; as a general rule it is a species very sensitive to salinity although there are standards with a certain tolerance.

This species needs good lighting to be able to fruit satisfactorily, so it is essential that the trees are not shaded. It is a very interesting tree both to exploit it commercially and to keep it in a small rustic farm or garden making the delights of all those who are lucky enough to have the opportunity to harvest its rich fruits, which have a long harvesting period and can be consumed both fresh and to make guacamole, salads, accompaniment to other dishes, cocktails, etc.

Abacateiro Bacon

SKU: P1364

    • Tree between 1.15 and 1.30 m tall (including 6 lt white or black container)
    • Grafted 50-60 cm from the base with a bevel graft
    • Trunk diameter 1 to 2 cm
    • Sensitive to poorly drained soils and hypoxic environments.


    • Plantlet in white or black 6 lt container
    • Specific substrate for avocado, without soil suitable for export.
    • Phytosanitary passport and sanitary certificate in case of export.


    • Non-genetically modified organisms
    • The information contained in this document is merely informative.
    • The product will in all cases comply with current legislation.
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