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Avonia Albissima



Vase: 8.5 cm.

Family: Portulaceae

Origin: South Africa



The genus name Avonia comes from the Latin 'avus', or 'grandfather', referring to its white scales. These succulent plants, native to South Africa, grow on rocky slopes and gravel and sandy areas.

The name 'albissima' derives from the Latin 'albi' (white), so named for its white leaves. It has a small caudex at the base, from which numerous erect stems form, completely covered by small sheets of paper superimposed one on the other. During the flowering period, it generates, at the tips of the stems, small greenish-white fragrant flowers.

In its area of origin, the roots and stems have traditionally been used for various products, including yeast for bread and the production of mead (beer with honey), but also as a medicine against diabetes. Although they are relatively easy to grow, they need some special attention, but they will surprise you with their abundant, fragrant and vibrantly colored flowers.


Plant care:

Light: It needs a lot of light during all seasons, avoiding direct rays in particularly hot hours.


Temperature: It prefers very mild temperatures, it survives well even in temperatures close to zero, as long as the soil is dry.


Watering: Moderately, only when the soil is completely dry. It is enough once a week in spring and summer, a reduction every two months in autumn and completely discontinued in winter.


Substrate: A soil with good drainage is ideal, for example, formed by a mixture of peat and pumice so that the water does not stagnate. IdeallySiro Catos


Fertilization: They do not need frequent fertilization, it will be enough to dilute the fertilizer in the irrigation water once or twice a year.

Avonia albissima

SKU: P1883
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