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Avonia Papyracea

Anacampseros papyracea

Avonia papyracea is endemic to South Africa, present only in the Little Karoo and Great Karoo, in the Eastern Cape province. It grows on quartz rocks in the Karroid Veld ecoregion, where it can be easily confused with the rocks it grows among because of its white color. This species is not threatened with extinction.

Avonia papyracea is an unusual white dwarf perennial. It is composed of many white cylindrical rods arranged like tentacles, with a diameter of 5 mm, 5-10 centimeters in length. The stems are white because they are covered with white scales, which are the stipules. A stipule is like a second leaf, usually located below the leaf. In Avonia Papyracea, the stipules are larger than the leaves and hide them. Its function is to protect the leaves from intense solar radiation and high temperatures. The leaves are very small, globose, green. The roots of Avonia papyracea are really thin and fibrous. The flowers appear at the top of the stems. They are tiny and have five creamy-white petals. And they only last three to four hours.

Avonia papyracea needs a bright spot, exposed to direct sunlight, to flower and develop. The roots are thin and fibrous and need a well-draining substrate. You can use a mixture tocactus as a substrate or add perlite to a normal substrate. Clay, shallow pots are recommended to aid drainage. Repotting is generally not necessary with Avonia papyracea being a dwarf succulent. This plant can survive down to -5ºC, but in winter, to avoid damage, it is better to keep it indoors. Water Avonia papyracea twice a week in summer with very little water. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again. Avoid watering in winter.

Avonia papyracea was used by the local population as a starter for craft beer fermentation.

Avonia Papyracea

SKU: P1806
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