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Common name: Amatungulu

Scientific name: Carissa macrocarpa

Botanical family: Apocinaceae


Thorny evergreen shrub native to the coastal areas of Natal Province in South Africa.


The leaves are glossy dark green; thick and leathery, able to withstand drying by winds and the salinity of the sea air. The spines are thick and branched, Y-shaped.


It has large white flowers about 5 cm in diameter. When ripe, the fruits are red, very showy, egg-shaped, about 4 cm long. When cut, they give off a whitish latex, which makes them an unusual and exotic fruit. The pulp is sweet and rich in vitamin C, with a pleasant taste. The fruits must be consumed fully ripe, otherwise they are toxic. They can also be processed ​​ to prepare jams, marmalades and juices. These can be harvested during summer and fall.

It is a rustic, undemanding plant that can be grown in different types of soils, although it prefers sandy and well-drained soils; Tolerates salinity and poor soils. It tolerates periods of drought, although it needs regular watering for adequate fruiting.


It is recommended to cultivate in full sun or shade, avoiding total shading. Withstands strong heat, but with moisture in the soil. It does not tolerate frost, but if it is soft the leaves die, sprouting again in the spring.


It is a very suitable shrub for the tropical and subtropical garden, with very low maintenance. It is a plant of great ornamental beauty due to its dense and compact foliage. It is ideal for hedges and can be planted along a garden fence. Depending on the variety, it can reach two to three meters in height. There are dwarf, hardly thornless varieties that grow up to a meter. On the same plant we can find both flowers and fruits that stand out against the dark green foliage. They can also be planted in flower boxes,  gardens,  flower pots and balconies.

Carissa macrocarpa

SKU: P1252
  • V17 x 30 cm

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