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Coriander - Coriandrum sativum - it is a plant of the Umbelliferae family, it is annual and very aromatic, with upper leaves finally indented and small white or pink flowers. The very round beige seeds are very popular in cooking.


Although of uncertain origin, it is known that the ancient Egyptians already used it to embalm bodies. It probably originates from the Mediterranean basin where the Greeks and Romans used it in dishes and drinks. In the Middle Ages it was cultivated in the gardens of monasteries. It is also known as Arabic or Chinese parsley and is now grown all over the world. In English it is known as coriander and in Spanish by cilantro. Much used in Indian and Arabic cuisine, both seeds and leaves. Among us, it is more common to use the leaves to make various dishes and the seeds to make confetti and other sweets.


It is digestive, antiseptic and soothing. In India it is considered an aphrodisiac, it serves to increase the mammary glands.

Cilantro has four times more carotene than parsley and three times more calcium than parsley. It also has proteins, mineral salts, vitamin B and niacin. The leaves are very rich in iron and vitamin C.

Both coriander and parsley help neutralize garlic breath.

The infusion of the leaves also combats fatigue and some types of migraines. Its seeds are an excellent digestive when chewed after a meal.

Relieves stomach pains in case of difficult digestions, vomiting and flatulence, stimulating appetite and helping gastric and intestinal secretions.

In Chinese medicine, the vapors of coriander branches are inhaled and the body is massaged with tea to soothe itching and eliminate measles rashes.

In antiquity, coriander was mostly used for its medicinal properties, but nowadays it is more commonly used in cooking.


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  • cooking

    Coriander seeds should be added at the beginning of cooking.

    The incorporation of coriander in dishes with legumes favors the reabsorption of intestinal gases.

    It can also be used to flavor beer.

    The seeds serve to flavor the gin and manufacture digestive liqueurs. They are also used to flavor vinegar and various types of preserves such as tomato purée, pears or apples, sausages or pâtés.

    In India it is an essential ingredient in curry powder.

    Both the leaves and the seeds enhance the flavor of sauerkraut, beets, cornichons, mushrooms, artichokes and various salads, especially potatoes.

    One or two crushed coriander seeds in a cup of coffee gives it an excellent taste.


    Although cultivated as an aromatic herb, it is advisable to separate them from garden plants, as the strong aroma of fresh leaves and seeds can be harmful to some plants. But it is known to ward off aphids to which it is immune.

    When associated with fennel, it prevents the formation of fennel seeds, while helping anise seeds to germinate.

    Its beautiful and delicate flowers make beautiful flowerbeds and attract bees.

    The aroma of its seeds becomes more intense and pleasant as they mature.

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