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  • Scientific name: Crassula ovata
  • Common Names: Jade Plant, Jade Plant, Friendship Tree,
  • Family: Crassulaceae
  • Category: Shrubs, Cacti and Succulents
  • Origin: Africa, South Africa
  • Height: 0.9 to 1.2 m
  • Luminosity: Partial Shade, Full Sun
  • Life Cycle: Perennial


The jade plant is a succulent, perennial species with ornamental foliage and flowering. It is one of the easiest succulents to grow for beginner and weekend gardeners alike. Its stem is branched, green and juicy when young, and gradually becomes woody, acquiring a brownish hue. The branches and stem are robust, short and twisted, giving the plant an aged look. The leaves are ovate to elliptical, opposite, succulent and a beautiful jade-green color. 

In full sun, some varieties develop reddish margins, while others acquire yellow, orange or red tones throughout the leaf. 

It blooms in winter and spring, sprouting terminal inflorescences, with numerous starry, fragrant, white or pink flowers. 

The fruits that follow are of the capsule type, with small and numerous seeds. There are different cultivars of the jade plant, the most popular currently are 'Gollun', with modified leaves that resemble candles, and 'Hobbit', with curved and elongated leaves, similar to rabbit ears or spoons. 

There are also forms of variegated white or yellow leaves.

When planted in pots, the jade plant becomes a miniature tree, forming a practically natural bonsai. However, in this species it is somewhat difficult to change the position of the branches, which are easily broken. It can decorate both internal and external environments, as it adapts to a wide variation in luminosity. Be careful, however, to gradually expose a plant that was in the sun to the sun so as not to cause burns on the leaves. In the garden, it adapts well to well-drained places, being able to form formal or informal rows, topiaries, or groups with other plants.


It should be cultivated in full sun, partial shade or diffused light, in sandy soil, enriched with organic matter and irrigated at sparse and regular intervals. It does not tolerate waterlogging, which causes rapid rotting of the root system and the base of the stem. For this reason, never leave a small plate under the potted plant and considerably reduce watering in winter. Resistant to short periods of drought. It adapts well to coastal regions. Tolerates cold and winds, but must be protected from frost during flowering. It needs light fertilization. Flowering only occurs in plants exposed to direct sunlight.

Crassula ovata

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