Bulida apricot
(Prunus armeniaca)
Description The origin of the apricot tree (Prunus armeniaca) is very controversial, however the most likely hypothesis is that it originates from China.
Regarding the soils, those that are too heavy and humid and those that are too loose with poor structure are not suitable for this crop.
The optimal soils for the development of this species are those with a frank texture, deep, well drained, airy and fertile.
The limiting factors for the development of this fruit plant are the late spring frosts and the cold hours in the winter, since it is a demanding species.
The Apricot Bulida, has the following main characteristics:
Color – The epidermis is intensely yellow in color with some orange and red “tints”.
Aroma and Flavor – The pulp is firm, orange-yellow, very sweet and juicy.
Form – Large caliber and oblong shape.
Harvest – The fruits are harvested during the month of June
Trees: Good vigor and extraordinary fertility. It easily adapts to different climates.
Compass: 5x3 m
Pruning: Production pruning is carried out during the vegetative dormancy of the apricot tree.
A green pruning is necessary to remove thieving branches.
Phytosanitary Treatments: The treatments should be aimed at controlling pests and diseases that may appear in the orchard.
Damasqueiro Bulida
Vase 20H | Height 1.60 m