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Scientific name: Prunus Sativa.


Popular names: Plum Queen Claudia Verde, pruna.


Variety: Queen ClaudiaVerde.


Family: Rosaceae.


Origin: Spain.


Generalities: Plum trees are from the temperate zone (Rainha Claudia Verde, Stanley and President), and therefore need the cold in winter, although they adapt better to altitudes between 600 and 1000 m. Although flowering is late, it can also be affected by spring frosts. Japanese plums are trees of the warm-temperate zone (Golden Japan, Red Beauty, Black Gold, Santa Rosa and Black Diamond), they also suffer greatly from mild winters, after which vegetation begins with difficulty.


Variety features: Tree of good vigour, open habit, takes time to enter production and when it does, its productivity is irregular. Self-incompatible variety, which needs to be pollinated by other varieties.


Flowers: pentameric flowers, slightly pinkish-white, with numerous stamens and hermaphrodites.


Fruits: Medium in size, slightly flattened, slightly asymmetrical and with a green skin. Yellow-green pulp, of medium consistency, little adherent to the stone, with good flavor, tendency to cracking and with a tendency to pre-harvest abscission. Ripens in early August.


Multiplication: grafting the dormant bud onto the previous year's cutting.


Size of mature plants: can reach 7 to 10 meters in height.


Light: Full sun.


Temperature: They are resistant to both high and low temperatures, although they are sensitive to late frosts that affect their production.


Transplant: End of winter, beginning of spring.


Ground: The plum tree adapts to different types of soil. They are sensitive to salinity.


Watering: It should be watered in the spring-summer period with some frequency, without forming puddles or flooding, to keep the soil fresh and humid.


Fertilizing: Fertilize with manure in late winter or early spring. In the first few waterings add complex mineral fertilizer.


Pruning: Eliminate dry or decayed branches.


Illnesses: The Aphid lanigero, settles on the branches and leaves, which tend to dry and fall. In winter, do a good treatment with insecticides and copper to eliminate the pests and diseases that will be hibernating.




Fruit trees should be sprayed twice a year: the 1st treatment is carried out in autumn before leaf fall, the 2nd treatment is carried out in spring before flowering.

Ameixeira Rainha Claudia Verde

SKU: P1296
  • VH 35 x 150 cm

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