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Tillandsia Multiflora is a plant that looks a lot like Tillandsia Abdita and therefore just as colorful. However, the green leaves, sometimes reddish, are smoother and less tender.

At a later stage, Tillandsia Multiflora can be completely red (Tillandsia multiflora red) and in the flowering stage this Tillandsia species produces one or more purplish flowers from the heart.


Originally, Tillandsia Multiflora grows in dry forests in Central America and Mexico. Corsa Plant grows this type on its farms in Central America and also at the main site in De Lier, where the plants will be shipped before the Multiflora flowering phase begins.


Tillandsia Multiflora usually grows to a diameter of about 10 centimeters and Corsa Plant has these plants in two sizes with mostly green color.


This air plant likes to be sprayed (once a week), preferably with ouraerial plant treatment spray!

Tillandsia Multiflora green

SKU: P2254
  • Medium – 6 x 6 cm
    Large – 12 x 12 cm

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